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Ηλεκτρολόγος οχημάτων
Η Εταιρεία Οργανισμός Συγκοινωνιών Πάφου (Ο.ΣΥ.ΠΑ.) ΛΙΜΙΤΕΔ, πάροχος των Δημόσιων Επιβατικών μεταφορών με Λεωφορεία στην Επαρχία Πάφου, ζητά να προσλάβει Αδειούχο Ηλεκτρολόγο Οχημάτων για τις δραστηριότητες της στην επαρχία Πάφου. Προσόντα: • Γνώση της Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής Γλώσσας • Εμπειρία σε παρόμοια θέση • Πτυχίο στους τομείς της Ηλεκτρολογίας ή σε άλλο συναφή κλάδο ως απόφοιτος Ανώτερης ή Τεχνικής & Επαγγελματικής Σχολής θα θεωρηθεί επιπρόσθετο προσόν • Κάτοχος άδειας τεχνίτη οχημάτων/ηλεκτρολόγος • Κάτοχος άδειας οδήγησης Βασικά Καθήκοντα: • Διάγνωση ηλεκτρολογικών προβλημάτων των εταιρικών οχημάτων με ή χωρίς τη χρήση Διαγνωστικού. • Διενέργεια ελέγχων, επιδιορθώσεων, μετατροπών και ρυθμίσεων των ηλεκτρικών και ηλεκτρονικών συστημάτων των οχημάτων. • Μελέτη των τεχνικών πληροφοριών που παρέχονται από τους κατασκευαστές. • Συμμόρφωση με τα συστήματα ποιότητας και ασφάλειας και υγείας. • Συνεργασία με το Συνεργείο της Εταιρείας Απολαβές και ωφελήματα: • Εργασία πλήρους απασχόλησης (πενθήμερη) • Προσφέρεται ένα ελκυστικό πακέτο απολαβών • Αυτόματη Τιμαριθμική Αναπροσαρμογή (ετησίως) • 13ος μισθός • Ταμείο προνοίας με την ολοκλήρωση της δοκιμαστικής περιόδου 6 μηνών • Ευκαιρίες επαγγελματικής ανέλιξης Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι/ες να αποστείλουν το βιογραφικό τους μέσω email μέχρι την 21/11/2024 αναγράφοντας «Ηλεκτρολόγος Οχημάτων»
21.10.2024 08:27,
Paphos, Mesogi
Salary is negotiable
We are looking for a full time enthousiast to work in our carwash.Work times: Monday,Wednesday,Thursda,Friday 6:00am-18:00 Tuesday 6:00-14:00 Saturday 6:00-15:00More info callStudents can only be accepted for work if they arrived in Cyprus before March 2024 and have ARC document
21.10.2024 06:52,
Limassol, Polemidia Kato
We need construction builders with experience to work in LARNACA . Permanent work.Refugee and asylum seeker accepted but must have experience.CONTACT ONLY WHATSAPP
Kyriacos Kyprianou,
21.10.2024 06:22,
Larnaca, Aradippou - Agios Fanourios
Salary is negotiable
Μαγειρας - πρωινή βαρδια
Ζητείται έμπειρος μαγειρας για Πρωινή Βαρδια. Full Time Cook, morning Shift. Strovolos
21.10.2024 06:16,
Nicosia, Strovolos - Ap. Varnavas and Ag. Makar.
Γίνετε μέλος της ομάδας μας στο AKORA καφέ / Lounge Bar!Ζητούνται μπαρίστες για άμεση εργοδότηση. Απολαβές από 6€ αναλόγως προσόντων. Η εργασία συμπεριλαμβάνει και σαββατοκυρίακα. Στείλτε το βιογραφικό σας
20.10.2024 20:58,
Nicosia, Aglantzia
Τεχνικός ανελκυστήρων
Η εταιρεια SOGEPA LTD αναζητει για άμεση εργοδότηση τεχνικο ανελκυστήρων με πειρα στον τομέα με εδρα την Λεμεσο. Μισθος αναλόγως προσόντων. τηλ επικοινωνίας.We are looking for a technician with experience in the elevator field. Salary according to the knowledge.
20.10.2024 20:28,
Limassol, Limassol - Kapsalos
Salary is negotiable
Sales and marketing
Νέες θέσεις στο τμήμα Marketing και Πωλήσεων • Φιλικό περιβάλλον, γεμάτο ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης σε διοικητικές θέσεις, γνώσεις σε τεχνικές marketing, πωλήσεων και επικοινωνίας • Πιστοποιήσεις εκπαίδευσης, δυναμικό • Ανταγωνιστικό πακέτο απολαβών και ευκαιρίες συμμετοχής σε διαδραστικά meetings εντός και εκτός Κύπρου.
20.10.2024 18:57,
Nicosia, Lympia
Salary is negotiable
Υπάλληλος σε περίπτερο
Για άμεση προσληψη ταμειας σε Περίπτερο στην Λεμεσο...Απαραίτητη η πολύ καλή γνώση της Ελληνικής γλώσσας
20.10.2024 18:20,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Ioannis
Salary is negotiable
Play cafe employee
Το Wonder & Play Cafe ζητά να προσλάβει υπάλληλο για εργασία τρεις καθημερινές την εβδομάδα από τις 3:30 έως τις 8:30 και το πρωί του Σαββάτου και της Κυριακής από τις 07:30 έως τις 2:00. Θα είστε υπεύθυνοι για τη διαχείριση του ανοίγματος του play cafe, το σερβίρισμα καφέ, το χαιρετισμό των καλεσμένων και τη διασφάλιση της ευχαρίστησης των παιδιών να παίζουν. Απαιτείται ελαφριά και βασική προετοιμασία φαγητού και καθαρισμός των χώρων και της καφετιέρας καθημερινά. Είναι απαραίτητο να μιλάς ελληνικά και να απολαμβάνεις τη δουλειά με παιδιά. Θα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να εργάζεστε ανεξάρτητα, να είστε αξιόπιστοι και αξιόπιστοι. Στείλτε το βιογραφικό σας και μια σύντομη σημείωση εξωφύλλου και θα επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας εάν πιστεύουμε ότι είστε κατάλληλοι.
20.10.2024 17:10,
Nicosia, Dali - Panag Evangelistria
Salary is negotiable
Looking for asian chef
We are looking for a chef who can cook Bengali and Indian food.
20.10.2024 17:09,
Limassol, Limassol Marina
Salary is negotiable
Office cleaner
We need office cleaner Office is 15 sqm and located near to acropolis park in pentelis street Pls suggest the price forncleanejing on regular basis 2 times in a month Pls whatsapp your offer
20.10.2024 16:20,
Nicosia, Strovolos - Acropolis
Salary is negotiable
Filipino maid
I am looking for a Filipino maid. Requirements: under 35 years old, college degree or above, job content: house cleaning, accompanying children, helping with cooking, driving is preferred, and being able to help 4th and 6th graders with homework is preferred, good English is required, salary is negotiable, and not less than 700 euros per month.
20.10.2024 13:52,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Antonios
Cliners for the farm and animal care
land and animal place maintenance. Place for accommodation provided. Need a responsible and animal friendly persons.
20.10.2024 12:34,
Limassol, Kellaki
Salary is negotiable
Smoothie and healthy food bar staff
Our smoothie and healthy food bar is looking for staff. Responsibilities:a) take orders; b) prepare smoothies, fresh juices, salads and sandwiches;c) keep the bar clean;d) open and close the bar. Our perfect candidate: a) has a work permit; b) speaks English and Greek; c) is punctual, responsible; d) a positive and hardworking person.Work experience in a kitchen is a plus.
20.10.2024 11:40,
Limassol, Historical Center
Salary is negotiable
Σερβιτόρος/ σερβιτόρα
Η οικογένεια PAUL άνοιξε το πρώτο της αρτοποιείο το 1889. Πέντε γενεές αργότερα, είμαστε πραγματικά ευτυχισμένοι που συνεχίζουμε να μοιραζόμαστε την κληρονομιά μας και τις πιο σημαντικές αξίες μας μαζί σας, αυτές που πέρασαν μέσω της οικογένειας μας, την αγάπη μας για το ψωμί, την επιθυμία μας να μοιραστούμε τη γαλλική ‘art de vivre’ μαζί σας και τη συνεχή αναζήτηση της ποιότητας σε ότι κάνουμε.Αν είσαι άτομο με πάθος για την εξυπηρέτηση πελατών και της γαλλικής κουλτούρας κάνε τώρα την αίτηση σου για την θέση του/της Waiter/Waitress (Σερβιτόρος/ Σερβιτόρα) για το εστιατόριο μας PAUL στη Μαρίνα Λεμεσού!Ποια θα είναι τα Καθήκοντα σου;Εξασφάλιση υψηλής ποιότητας εξυπηρέτησης πελατών που να υπερβαίνει τις προσδοκίεςΚαλή γνώση του μενού ώστε να είσαι σε θέση να προτείνεις κάποιο φαγητό ή ποτόΕπικοινωνία & συντονισμός με την υπόλοιπη ομάδα εξασφαλίζοντας την ομαλή λειτουργία του εστιατορίου μέσω της άψογης συνεργασίαςΕπιβεβαίωση ότι οι πελάτες είναι ευχαριστημένοι με το γεύμα τουςΑπαραίτητα Προσόντα:Προϋπηρεσία στον χώρο της εστίασης θα θεωρηθεί επιπρόσθετο προσόνΕξαιρετική ικανότητα επικοινωνίας και ευχάριστη προσωπικότηταΛάτρης εξυπηρέτησης πελατώνΆριστη γνώση ελληνικής και αγγλικής γλώσσαςΙκανότητα να εργάζεται υπό πίεση σε ένα χώρο με γρήγορους ρυθμούςΥπευθυνότητα & ΕπαγγελματισμόςΠαροχές:Aνταγωνιστικές απολαβές αναλόγως προσόντωνΕκπαίδευση με βάση τα πρότυπα της αλυσίδαςΕυκαιρίες ανάπτυξης καριέρας μέχρι και σε διευθυντικές θέσειςΧορηγία σπουδών σε πάνω από 15 τίτλους σπουδών μέχρι και 75% σε πλήρως αναγνωρισμένο ΠανεπιστήμιοΕυέλικτες ώρες εργασίαςΠληρωμένη ετήσια άδεια 25 ημερώνΕκπτωτική κάρτα μέχρι και 40% για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλουΌλες οι αιτήσεις θα αντιμετωπιστούν με απόλυτη εμπιστευτικότητα και θα χρησιμοποιηθούν μόνο για σκοπούς πρόσληψης. Αν θέλετε να μάθετε περισσότερα για τα PAUL, επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα Αν πιστεύετε ότι διαθέτετε τις παραπάνω ικανότητες, αγαπάτε τα PAUL και έχετε πάθος για προϊόντα υψηλής ποιότητας, τότε στείλτε μας το βιογραφικό σας στο recruitment με τον κωδικό (PAUL_Waiter/Waitress).
PAUL Limassol Marina,
20.10.2024 11:01,
Limassol, Limassol - Agia Napa
Salary is negotiable
If you love handcrafted bread, desserts, pastries, and food of great quality and have a passion for excellent customer service, then PAUL is the place to be!We are looking for a talented, motivated individual who shares our philosophy to join the team of our restaurant in PAUL in Limassol Marina as a Barista.What will you be responsible for?Producing and serving excellent quality coffee & other drinks in line with the restaurant’s recipesKnow the menu and provide information & suggestions Ensure the highest quality service and experience for customers at all levelsExcellent conditions in terms of cleaning in the working areaEnsure smooth operation of the restaurant with a high spirit of collaboration with all team membersWhat is your Profile?High commitment to deliver excellent customer serviceTeam player with the ability to communicate effectivelyStrong calibre with the ability to work in a fast-paced environmentFluent in English and/or Greek LanguageExcellent communication skillsCustomer Service EnthusiastGood knowledge of English and/or GreekPrevious experience in a similar position will be considered an advantageWhat you will gain?Competitive salary depending on experienceA – Z training on all aspects of the positionUniversity funding scheme up to 75% for more than 15 University Degree TitlesPleasant working environmentFlexible working hoursCareer development up to managerial positionsDiscount card for up to 40% for more than 100 restaurants in CyprusAll interested applicants should forward their CV.All applications will be considered strictly confidential and used for recruitment purposes only.
PAUL Limassol Marina,
20.10.2024 11:01,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Georgios
Salary is negotiable
We need cleaning lady for house and garden
Cleaning the inside of house and the garden. Brooming dusting mobbing etc.
20.10.2024 10:50,
Nicosia, Egkomi
Ζητουνται εξωτερικες πωλητριες
Ζητουνται Εξωτερικες Πωλητριες με ωραριο εργασίας 8:30 - 14:30 .Για περισοτερες πληροφορίες καλεστε στο τηλέφωνο.
20.10.2024 10:36,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Makenzy
Πωλήτρια για ζαχαροπλαστείο
Το ζαχαροπλαστείο NOUFARO TAKE AWAY PASTRY στο Στρόβολο ζητά πωλήτρια για full time.
Νικόλας Νικολάου,
20.10.2024 09:20,
Nicosia, Strovolos - Stavros
Ατομο για εξυπηρετηση πελατων σε ζαχαροπλαστειο.
Νικόλας Νικολάου,
20.10.2024 09:19,
Nicosia, Strovolos - Stavros
Ζητείτε εργάτης
Ζητείτε εργάτης για εργασίες σε εργοτάξια. -Συμμετοχή στις καθημερινές οικοδομικές εργασίες στο εργοτάξιο.-Ακολούθηση οδηγιών από τους προϊσταμένους και συνεργασία με άλλα μέλη της ομάδας.- Υπευθυνότητα και συνέπεια- Καλές διαπροσωπικές σχέσεις- Να έχει άδεια παραμονής και εργασίας στην Κύπρο Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν μέσω viber
20.10.2024 09:15,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Finikoudes
Salary is negotiable
Car wash
Get on the fast track to a more rewarding career with Enterprise / National / Alamo team in Cyprus, which is committed to quality, innovation, customer satisfaction and employee development.Enterprise, National and Alamo have the following open positions:1) Car Washer - Rotation Shift (Paphos)Qualifications• Must have a Valid Driving License (Manual Transmission) of at least 3 years.• Eligible to work in Cyprus• Must be able to work Full Time - Rotation Shifts include mornings, evenings, nights, weekends, and holidays.
Enterprise Rent A Car,
19.10.2024 19:07,
Paphos, Timi
Salary is negotiable
Only fans
We are expanding our OF studio, we are hiring female models for adult videos and chatting.For more info contact us.
19.10.2024 17:21,
Nicosia, Egkomi - Makedonitissa
σερβιτόροι με πειρα, για μόνιμη απασχόληση,μισθός αναλόγως προσόντων με προοπτικεςανέλιξης. Να μιλά όπωσδήποτε αγγλικά καί άπταιστα ελληνικά.
19.10.2024 16:13,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Makenzy
Salary is negotiable
- Πρακτική εμπειρία των συστημάτων παραγγελιοληψίας (π.χ. Revel POS ή Toast POS)- Βασικές δεξιότητες στα μαθηματικά- Παρατηρητικότητα και υπομονή απέναντι στους πελάτες- Εξαιρετικές δεξιότητες παρουσίασης- Δεξιότητες οργάνωσης και ταυτόχρονης επιτέλεσης πολλαπλών εργασιών, ικανότητα απόδοσης σε ένα περιβάλλον γρήγορων ρυθμών- Δεξιότητες στην προσεκτική καταγραφή των λεγομένων και την αποτελεσματική επικοινωνία- Ομαδικό πνεύμα- Ευελιξία εργασίας σε διάφορες βάρδιες
By the Bridge,
19.10.2024 15:24,
Nicosia, Strovolos - Acropolis
Salary is negotiable
Join our team as a cleaner
Are you ready to embark on a fulfilling career where cleanliness and precision are celebrated? Look no further than Tidy Cleaning Services, where we are seeking dedicated individuals to join our team as Cleaners on a full-time or part-time basis.As a Cleaner at Tidy Cleaning Services, you will play a crucial role in ensuring that our clients' spaces shine with cleanliness and freshness. Your attention to detail and commitment to excellence will be the cornerstone of our service, leaving a lasting impression on our valued customers.At Tidy Cleaning Services, we believe in fostering a positive work environment where your hard work and dedication are recognized and rewarded. Whether you are an experienced professional or looking to start your career in the cleaning industry, we welcome individuals with a passion for cleanliness and a drive to make a difference.As a member of our team, you will have the opportunity to showcase your cleaning skills and contribute to creating inviting and hygienic environments for our clients. From residential spaces to commercial establishments, your work will make a visible impact on the lives of others.Joining Tidy Cleaning Services means becoming part of a supportive and inclusive work culture where collaboration and growth opportunities abound. We provide comprehensive training, competitive compensation, and a flexible schedule to accommodate your lifestyle.If you are ready to take the next step in your career and be part of a dynamic team that values excellence in cleaning services, Tidy Cleaning Services is the place for you. Apply now for the Cleaner position and be a part of a thriving company that values your contribution and dedication.Come join us at Tidy Cleaning Services, where your passion for cleanliness meets endless opportunities for professional growth and personal fulfillment. Experience the satisfaction of transforming spaces and making a positive difference every day. Your journey to a rewarding career in cleaning starts here!
19.10.2024 15:22,
Paphos, Paphos - Kato Paphos
Salary is negotiable
Professional gardener & household worker
Location: Ligion Trading Limited and Associated Holdings, Paphos AreaEmployment Type: Full-TimeSalary: Competitive, based on experienceStart Date: As soon as possibleAbout Us:Ligion Trading Limited and Associated Holdings is a high-end luxury property and family estate based in the Paphos area. We are seeking a dedicated and skilled individual to fill the role of Professional Gardener & Household Worker. The ideal candidate will be hard-working, polite, and able to maintain a high level of professionalism while performing gardening and household maintenance tasks.Job Responsibilities: As a Professional Gardener:Maintain and care for gardens and landscapes, including lawn mowing, pruning, planting, and seasonal tasksEnsure the health and aesthetic of plants, trees, and flowers throughout the estateConduct regular inspections to prevent pests and maintain the overall appearance of the gardenOperate and maintain gardening equipment such as mowers, trimmers, and hand toolsAs a Household Worker:Perform pool maintenance, including cleaning, monitoring water quality, and maintaining pool equipmentUndertake small maintenance tasks around the property such as minor repairs and general upkeepAssist with outdoor area care, including patios, walkways, and ensuring a clean and safe environmentHandle other household support duties as required by the family or property managerQualifications and Requirements:Proven experience in gardening and landscape maintenanceKnowledge of plant care, landscaping techniques, and pest controlAbility to handle pool maintenance and basic repair tasksStrong work ethic, flexibility, and attention to detailAbility to work independently with minimal supervisionLanguage Requirements:English is a mustRussian and Greek are optional but preferredAny additional languages will be considered a strong plusA polite, respectful, and professional demeanor at all timesMust maintain confidentiality and discretion with the family’s personal informationWhat We Offer:Competitive salary based on experienceAccommodation options may be availableOpportunity to work in a prestigious and serene environmentFriendly and supportive work environment with long-term growth opportunitiesHow to Apply:For more information, please call To apply, please send your resume and a brief cover letter explaining why you are a good fit for this role to [hidden info]. We look forward to hearing from you!
Revaz Eristavi,
19.10.2024 15:14,
Paphos, Kissonerga
Personal driver and household worker
Location: Ligion Trading Limited and Associated Holdings, Paphos Area Employment Type: Full-Time Salary: Competitive, based on experience Start Date: As soon as possible About Us: Ligion Trading Limited and Associated Holdings is a high-end luxury property and family estate based in the Paphos area. We are seeking a dedicated and reliable individual to fill the role of Personal Driver and Household Worker. The ideal candidate will be hard-working, polite, and able to maintain a high level of professionalism while performing a variety of driving and household tasks. Job Responsibilities: As a Personal Driver: Safely and efficiently transport family members and guests to various destinations Maintain the vehicle(s) in pristine condition, ensuring regular cleaning and servicing Plan and optimize driving routes to ensure timely arrivals Manage vehicle logs, fuel receipts, and ensure vehicle compliance with legal regulations As a Household Worker: Take care of gardening tasks, including lawn maintenance, plant care, and seasonal tasks Maintain the pool by performing routine cleaning, monitoring water quality, and ensuring proper function of equipment Perform small maintenance tasks around the property such as minor repairs, handling tools, and basic upkeep Assist with outdoor area care, including patios, walkways, and general outdoor maintenance Handle other household support duties as required by the family or property manager Qualifications and Requirements: Valid Driver’s License with a clean driving record Previous driving experience as a personal driver or chauffeur is preferred A polite, respectful, and professional demeanor at all times Strong work ethic, flexibility, and attention to detail Experience in gardening, pool care, and basic maintenance tasks Ability to handle household tasks with minimal supervision Strong time management and organizational skills Language Requirements: English is a must Russian and Greek are optional but preferred Any additional languages will be considered a strong plus Basic knowledge of vehicle maintenance is a plus Must maintain confidentiality and discretion with the family’s personal information What We Offer: Competitive salary based on experience Accommodation options may be available Opportunity to work in a prestigious and serene environment Friendly and supportive work environment with long-term growth opportunities How to Apply: For more information, please call. To apply, please send your resume and a brief cover letter explaining why you are a good fit for this role to [hidden info]. We look forward to hearing from you!
Revaz Eristavi,
19.10.2024 15:07,
Paphos, Kissonerga
Οδηγός minibus
✅Ζητούνται οδηγοί λεωφορείων με επαγγελματική άδεια σε ισχύ για μαθητικές διαδρομές✅Επαρχία Λευκωσίας, Λάρνακας✅Για πληροφορίες:Αντρέας
19.10.2024 15:04,
Nicosia, Strovolos - Agios Vasileios
Salary is negotiable
• Παρασκευή αλκοολούχων και μη αλκοολούχων ποτών για τους πελάτες του μπαρ και του εστιατορίου• Αλληλεπίδραση με τους πελάτες• Εκτίμηση αναγκών και προτιμήσεων των πελατών και πρόταση των αντίστοιχων ποτών• Ανάμειξη υλικών για την παρασκευή κοκτέιλ• Σχεδιασμός και παρουσίαση του μενού του μπαρ• Έλεγχος των ταυτοτήτων των πελατών, ώστε να επιβεβαιώνεται ότι είναι ενήλικες και επιτρέπεται να καταναλώνουν αλκοόλ• Αναπλήρωση αποθέματος και προμηθειών του μπαρ• Διατήρηση πελατοκεντρικής στάσης και παροχή άριστης εμπειρίας πελατών• Συμμόρφωση με όλους τους κανονισμούς τροφίμων και ποτών• Ευελιξία εργασίας σε διάφορες βάρδιες• Βασικές δεξιότητες στα μαθηματικά• Ικανότητα εκτίμησης των προτιμήσεων των πελατών• Άριστες δεξιότητες επικοινωνίας• Υποδοχή πελατών κατά την είσοδό τους• Παροχή του μενού ποτών στους πελάτες και απάντηση στις ερωτήσεις τους σχετικά με τα συστατικά• Λήψη παραγγελιών, δίνοντας προσοχή στις λεπτομέρειες (π.χ., προτιμήσεις ποικιλίας καφέ, αναλογίες γάλακτος και ζάχαρης)• Παρασκευή ροφημάτων σύμφωνα με τις συνταγές• Σερβίρισμα ροφημάτων• Λήψη και επεξεργασία πληρωμών (μετρητοίς και με πιστωτικές κάρτες)• Διατήρηση της καθαριότητας στον χώρο του μπαρ• Διατήρηση αποθέματος καθαρών φλιτζανιών• Έλεγχος της σωστής λειτουργίας του εξοπλισμού παρασκευής καφέ και αναφορά τυχόν αναγκών συντήρησης• Συμμόρφωση με τους κανονισμούς υγείας και ασφάλειας• Μεταβίβαση των σχολίων των πελατών στους διευθυντές και υποβολή προτάσεων για νέα είδη στο μενού• Ικανότητα εκτίμησης των προτιμήσεων των πελατών
By the Bridge,
19.10.2024 14:53,
Nicosia, Strovolos - Acropolis
Salary is negotiable
Female staff bet shop
score bet shop need female staff in limassol tourist erea of germasogeia.praktorio stiximaton score bet. Salary 1500€ per month . Full time or part time.
19.10.2024 11:16,
Limassol, Germasogeia Tourist Area
Household manager and cat nanny
We are looking for a dedicated and reliable Household Manager and Cat Nanny to manage our home and care for our cats.Responsibilities:Cat Care: Daily feeding, playing, grooming.Household Management: Organizing and overseeing household tasks and managing the cleaner.Errands and Vet Visits: Coordinating and handling shopping and vet appointments (driver’s license required, which will be paid for).Requirements:Experience in household management and pet care.Loving and caring attitude towards animals, especially cats.Ability to work independently and solve problems.Good command of English (spoken and written).Driver’s license required (or willingness to obtain one; the cost will be covered).Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.We offer:Competitive salary.A pleasant working environment.Flexible working hours.Opportunities for personal development, including a paid driver’s license.
19.10.2024 09:30,
Famagusta, Protaras
Spa manager position
Greek and English speakerExperience is a plusSpecialised in customer service and sales
Earth spa,
18.10.2024 22:34,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Makenzy
Salary is negotiable
Pizza chef/cook
Italian Restaurant Partime - 18:00-22:30 Full time- 208 hours per month. We are looking to hire kitchen assistants for help with preparations, cooking and cooking.Please send all documents via Whats app.Please note we are ONLY hiring legal workers with documentation.
18.10.2024 21:30,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Nicolaos
Salary is negotiable
Θέση εργασίας για γραμματεα
Ζητείται γραμματέας στη Λεμεσό για πλήρη απασχόληση ή ημιαπασχόληση. Ευελικτο ωράριο. Μερικές ημέρες πιθανόν να εργάζεται από σπίτι. Αναγκαία η Γνώση ελληνικής γλώσσας. Μισθός 450 - 1000 ευρώ αναλόγως ωραρίου και προσόντων.
18.10.2024 20:47,
Limassol, Limassol - Agia Zoni
Salary is negotiable
Looking for a female accountant for a fast food restaurant limassol 8 hours a day from 11:30 until 9 pm
18.10.2024 20:41,
Limassol, Limassol - Agios Antonios
Delivery riders for larnaca
OUR COMPANY NEEDS TO EMPLOY DELIVERY RIDERS FOR LARNACAWHAT WE OFFER- Very good salary and bonus- Full time or part time work- Special delivery application on your phone- Training in all aspects relevant to the positionWHAT WE NEED- Legal to work in Cyprus- 125cc Motor Bike or Car- Cyprus/ European driving license- Bike/ Car insurance- Good level of English language- Good communication skills
18.10.2024 20:13,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Finikoudes
Salary is negotiable
Delivery riders for limassol
OUR COMPANY NEEDS TO EMPLOY DELIVERY RIDERS FOR LIMASSOLWHAT WE OFFER- Very good salary and bonus- Full time or part time work- Special delivery application on your phone- Training in all aspects relevant to the positionWHAT WE NEED- Legal to work in Cyprus- 125cc Motor Bike or Car- Cyprus/ European driving license- Bike/ Car insurance- Good level of English language- Good communication skills
18.10.2024 20:12,
Limassol, Historical Center
Salary is negotiable
Delivery riders for paphos
OUR COMPANY NEEDS TO EMPLOY DELIVERY RIDERS FOR PAPHOSWHAT WE OFFER- Very good salary and bonus- Full time or part time work- Special delivery application on your phone- Training in all aspects relevant to the positionWHAT WE NEED- Legal to work in Cyprus- 125cc Motor Bike or Car- Cyprus/ European driving license - Motorbike/ Car insurance- Good level of English language- Good communication skills
18.10.2024 20:12,
Paphos, Paphos - Kato Paphos
Salary is negotiable
Security services
Security services for individuals or companies in Paphos, feel free to contact if you have any questions, thank you!
18.10.2024 17:13,
Paphos, Paphos - Universal
Salary is negotiable
Salary is negotiable
Flat cleaner
Katharistria gia flat / clean flat
18.10.2024 14:41,
Limassol, Limassol - Kapsalos
Εγκαταστατης συνθετικου γρασιδιου και αθλητικών δαπεδων
Αναζητούμε υπεύθυνο άτομο για την τοποθέτηση συνθετικού γρασιδιού και αθλητικών δαπέδων. Η εργασία περιλαμβάνει την προετοιμασία του εδάφους, την εγκατάσταση του γρασιδιού και την ολοκλήρωση των απαραίτητων εργασιών.Απαιτούμενα Προσόντα:Ικανότητα εργασίας σε ομάδα και αυτονομίαΥπευθυνότητα και συνέπεια!Προϋπηρεσία σε ανάλογες θέσεις και γνώσεις σχετικά με την τοποθέτηση συνθετικού γρασιδιού θα θεωρηθεί επιπρόσθετο προσόν.Προσφέρουμε:Ανταγωνιστικές αποδοχέςΣταθερή εργασία σε ένα δυναμικό περιβάλλονΑν ενδιαφέρεστε, παρακαλούμε στείλτε το βιογραφικό σας στο ή καλέστε στο
18.10.2024 13:54,
Limassol, Limassol - Mesa Geitonia
Salary is negotiable
Kitchen assistance
Woman for Kitchen assistance for a restaurant at the centre of the town. Cleaning, washing dishes etc. Need to have all the paper works.
18.10.2024 13:13,
Limassol, Limassol - Agia Zoni
Salary is negotiable
Cleaning and cooking job
Our family is looking for housemaid services starting next week.We need someone to clean our home and cook for our family specifically on Mondays (10am - 2pm), Wednesdays (10am - 2pm) and Fridays (10am-2pm). GOOD Greek or English (we don't mind) is NECESSARY for the job.We need someone who is QUICK with the cleaning and knows how to cook some basic Cypriot dishes and is able to FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS from recipes for cooking other dishes. Our home is very close to the Strovolos Bus Station so it is easy to reach if you have a bus card or if you live close byMessage me with your name and phone number and I will give you a call to talk.
18.10.2024 12:21,
Nicosia, Strovolos - Agios Vasileios
Car rental agent in paphos
Do you have an enthusiastic, energetic attitude? Are you a team player with the belief that excellent service does matter? Then we are looking for you.Requirements:-All applicants should be of good physical health and well presented.-All applicants must possess a full and valid driving license-English should be either a first or second language-All applicants must possess a yellow slip.-Knowledge of other European languages is also an advantage.Duties:-Meet customers-Drive cars-Deliver cars-Rent carsBenefits:-Work in a multi-cultural team, meeting people from all over the world-Competitive salary-Flexible working hours-Annual leave-Uniform providedIf you feel as though you have what it takes to become part of our team, please contact us with your CV and cover letter:
18.10.2024 12:10,
Paphos, Paphos - Kato Paphos
Salary is negotiable
18.10.2024 12:05,
Larnaca, Larnaka - Harbor
Salary is negotiable
Averde Boutique Hotel is seeking an experienced Cook to join our dynamic culinary team. As the Cook, you will be responsible for preparing high-quality, creative dishes that delight our guests and reflect the hotel's commitment to exceptional service and locally-sourced, sustainable ingredients. Key Responsibilities: - Plan and prepare a diverse menu of appetizers, entrees, and desserts for the hotel's restaurant and events - Ensure consistent quality, presentation, and timely service of all menu items - Maintain a clean, organized, and efficient kitchen environment - Collaborate with the Executive Chef to develop new menu items and enhance existing offerings - Adhere to all food safety and sanitation regulations - Assist with inventory management and ordering of kitchen supplies Qualifications: - 2-3 years of experience as a Cook or in a similar culinary role - Formal training in the culinary arts, such as a degree or certification, is preferred - Exceptional cooking skills and a deep knowledge of various cuisines and cooking techniques - Ability to work well in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment - Strong attention to detail and commitment to excellence - Excellent time management and organizational skills The position offers a competitive salary, bonuses, a standard 9-hour shift with a 1-hour break, career development. Averde Hotel, Boutique Hotel «Averde» is a refined boutique hotel situated in a lovely touristic area close to Larnaca, surrounded by amazing nature and glorious garden full of magnificent trees and plants. It offers 10 uniquely designed rooms which style is inspired by lush surroundings and splendid flowers as well as a spacious outdoor venue for up to 200 guests to get unforgettable memories for holding special life events. At «Averde» guests will discover a gourmet restaurant, an elegant bar and a cozy living room along with a rejuvenating SPA and a magnificent swimming pool. With the tagline «Be Our Guest» the hotel welcomes, values and appreciates everyone turning each stay into a memorable experience.
18.10.2024 10:59,
Larnaca, Pyla Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Spa therapist
Averde Boutique Hotel in Larnaca, Pyla is seeking a skilled and experienced Spa Therapist to join our team. Responsibilities include providing a range of relaxing and rejuvenating spa treatments to our guests, ensuring the highest standards of hygiene and safety, and maintaining the spa's equipment and supplies. Candidates should have a certification in massage therapy or a related field, as well as a deep understanding of various massage techniques, skincare, and holistic wellness. The position offers a competitive salary and a 9-hour shift with a 1-hour break. If you are interested, please send your CV
18.10.2024 10:55,
Larnaca, Pyla Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Room maid
Averde Boutique Hotel in Larnaca, Pyla is seeking a skilled Room Maid to join our team. Responsibilities include cleaning and preparing guest rooms, replenishing supplies, and ensuring the highest standards of cleanliness and comfort. Candidates should have previous experience in a similar role and be able to work efficiently and independently. The position offers a competitive salary and a 9-hour shift with a 1-hour break. Averde Hotel, Boutique Hotel «Averde» is a refined boutique hotel situated in a lovely touristic area close to Larnaca, surrounded by amazing nature and glorious garden full of magnificent trees and plants. It offers 10 uniquely designed rooms which style is inspired by lush surroundings and splendid flowers as well as a spacious outdoor venue for up to 200 guests to get unforgettable memories for holding special life events. At «Averde» guests will discover a gourmet restaurant, an elegant bar and a cozy living room along with a rejuvenating SPA and a magnificent swimming pool. With the tagline «Be Our Guest» the hotel welcomes, values and appreciates everyone turning each stay into a memorable experience.
18.10.2024 10:52,
Larnaca, Pyla Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Averde Boutique Hotel in Larnaca, Pyla is seeking a dedicated Cleaner to join our team. Responsibilities include maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of the hotel's public areas, guest rooms, and other designated spaces. Candidates should have experience in a similar role and a strong attention to detail. The position offers a competitive salary and, a standard 9-hour shift with a 1-hour break. Averde Hotel, Boutique Hotel «Averde» is a refined boutique hotel situated in a lovely touristic area close to Larnaca, surrounded by amazing nature and glorious garden full of magnificent trees and plants. It offers 10 uniquely designed rooms which style is inspired by lush surroundings and splendid flowers as well as a spacious outdoor venue for up to 200 guests to get unforgettable memories for holding special life events. At «Averde» guests will discover a gourmet restaurant, an elegant bar and a cozy living room along with a rejuvenating SPA and a magnificent swimming pool. With the tagline «Be Our Guest» the hotel welcomes, values and appreciates everyone turning each stay into a memorable experience.
18.10.2024 10:52,
Larnaca, Pyla Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Averde Boutique Hotel in Larnaca, Pyla is seeking a talented Barmen/Bartender to join our dynamic team. Responsibilities include preparing and serving a variety of beverages, maintaining bar inventory, and providing exceptional customer service. Candidates should have previous experience in a similar role and possess strong mixology skills. The position offers a competitive salary, bonuses, a standard 9-hour shift with a 1-hour break, career development. Averde Hotel, Boutique Hotel «Averde» is a refined boutique hotel situated in a lovely touristic area close to Larnaca, surrounded by amazing nature and glorious garden full of magnificent trees and plants. It offers 10 uniquely designed rooms which style is inspired by lush surroundings and splendid flowers as well as a spacious outdoor venue for up to 200 guests to get unforgettable memories for holding special life events. At «Averde» guests will discover a gourmet restaurant, an elegant bar and a cozy living room along with a rejuvenating SPA and a magnificent swimming pool. With the tagline «Be Our Guest» the hotel welcomes, values and appreciates everyone turning each stay into a memorable experience.
18.10.2024 10:52,
Larnaca, Pyla Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Maintenance manager
Averde Boutique Hotel in Larnaca, Pyla is seeking an experienced Maintenance Manager to oversee the upkeep and smooth operation of our hotel. Responsibilities include managing a team of maintenance staff, implementing preventive maintenance programs, and ensuring that all equipment and facilities are in excellent working condition. Candidates should have a strong background in hotel maintenance and a proven track record of effective team management. The position offers a competitive salary and a 9-hour shift with a 1-hour break. If you are interested, please send your CV Averde Hotel, Boutique Hotel «Averde» is a refined boutique hotel situated in a lovely touristic area close to Larnaca, surrounded by amazing nature and glorious garden full of magnificent trees and plants. It offers 10 uniquely designed rooms which style is inspired by lush surroundings and splendid flowers as well as a spacious outdoor venue for up to 200 guests to get unforgettable memories for holding special life events. At «Averde» guests will discover a gourmet restaurant, an elegant bar and a cozy living room along with a rejuvenating SPA and a magnificent swimming pool. With the tagline «Be Our Guest» the hotel welcomes, values and appreciates everyone turning each stay into a memorable experience. Address: Athinon, 7081 Pyla (tourist area), Larnaca,
18.10.2024 10:45,
Larnaca, Pyla Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Averde Boutique Hotel in Larnaca, Pyla is seeking a professional Waitress/Sommelier to join our team. Responsibilities include providing exceptional table service, recommending and serving wines, and ensuring a memorable dining experience for our guests. Candidates should have previous experience in a similar role and a deep knowledge of wines and food pairings. The position offers a competitive salary, career development, friendly team. If you are interested, please send your CV Averde Hotel, Boutique Hotel «Averde» is a refined boutique hotel situated in a lovely touristic area close to Larnaca, surrounded by amazing nature and glorious garden full of magnificent trees and plants. It offers 10 uniquely designed rooms which style is inspired by lush surroundings and splendid flowers as well as a spacious outdoor venue for up to 200 guests to get unforgettable memories for holding special life events. At «Averde» guests will discover a gourmet restaurant, an elegant bar and a cozy living room along with a rejuvenating SPA and a magnificent swimming pool. With the tagline «Be Our Guest» the hotel welcomes, values and appreciates everyone turning each stay into a memorable experience. Address: Athinon, 7081 Pyla (tourist area), Larnaca
18.10.2024 10:45,
Larnaca, Pyla Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Reception night auditor
Averde Boutique Hotel in Larnaca, Pyla is seeking a detail-oriented Night Auditor to join our team. Responsibilities include processing daily financial transactions, generating reports, and ensuring the accuracy of the hotel's financial records during the overnight shift. Candidates should have experience in a similar role and be comfortable working independently during the night. The position offers a competitive salary and a 9-hour shift with a 1-hour break. Averde Hotel, Boutique Hotel «Averde» is a refined boutique hotel situated in a lovely touristic area close to Larnaca, surrounded by amazing nature and glorious garden full of magnificent trees and plants. It offers 10 uniquely designed rooms which style is inspired by lush surroundings and splendid flowers as well as a spacious outdoor venue for up to 200 guests to get unforgettable memories for holding special life events. At «Averde» guests will discover a gourmet restaurant, an elegant bar and a cozy living room along with a rejuvenating SPA and a magnificent swimming pool. With the tagline «Be Our Guest» the hotel welcomes, values and appreciates everyone turning each stay into a memorable experience.
18.10.2024 10:44,
Larnaca, Pyla Tourist Area
Salary is negotiable
Είσαι φοιτητής και ψάχνεις για εργασία
Η εταιρεία μας MOMENTUM MARKETING αναζητά φοιτητές/τριες χωρίς απαραίτητη προϋπηρεσία για να εκπαιδευτούν από έμπειρους εκπαιδευτές της εταιρείας και να ενταχθούν στην ομάδα μας!Παρέχουμε :• Ευελιξία ωραρίου.• Ευχάριστο και νεανικό περιβάλλον.• Ανταγωνιστικές αμοιβές και μπόνους επίτευξης στόχων.Καθήκοντα :• Καθημερινή επικοινωνία με υποψήφιους πελάτες .• Παρουσίαση υπηρεσιών στους πελάτες.Στείλε μας το βιογραφικό σου για να γνωρίσεις και από κοντά το dream team μας!
18.10.2024 10:26,
Limassol, Limassol - Zakaki
Salary is negotiable
Kitchen assistant
WHAT WE OFFER / ΤΙ ΠΡΟΣΦΕΡΟΥΜΕ• Flexible working environment/ Ευέλικτο ωράριο εργασίας• A-Z training in all aspects relevant to the position/ Πλήρης εκπαίδευση σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με τη θέση• Career opportunities/ Ευκαιρίες ανέλιξης• Discount card for more than 100 restaurants of PHC Group/ Εκπτωτική κάρτα για περισσότερα από 100 εστιατόρια του ομίλου της PHC• Full coverage of Social insurance/ Πλήρης κάλυψη της κοινωνικής ασφάλισης• Free Uniform/Δωρεάν ΣτολήREQUIREMENTS/ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΟΝΤΑ• Necessary Knowledge of Greek and English language/ Γνώση Ελληνικής και Αγγλικής γλώσσας• Up to 75% of University Funding/ Χορηγία σπουδών μέχρι 75%• Previous experience will be considered as an advantage/ Προηγούμενη πείρα θα θεωρηθεί ως επιπρόσθετο προσόν
Pizza Hut,
18.10.2024 10:20,
Larnaca, Drosia
Salary is negotiable
Full Time job Company Car provided Apartment Cleaning and Driving Driving licence Required Salary depending on experience
18.10.2024 10:16,
Limassol, Limassol - Mesa Geitonia
LOOKING for a BARWOMAN IN center of Nicosia prefer Cypriot Greece Russian if know coctails is a + Text me on Whats app ONLY
18.10.2024 07:26,
Nicosia, Nicosia - Trypiotis
Garden maintenance/συντηρητης κηπων&pool maintenance/συντηρητης πισινων
Απαραίτητη άδεια οδήγησηςDriving license required
Maintained ltd,
17.10.2024 21:29,
Paphos, Tombs Of the Kings
Salary is negotiable
Ads in category «Jobs» in the Larnaca
- Larnaka - Finikoudes (17)
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- Larnaka - Makenzy (8)
- Oroklini (8)
- Pyla Tourist Area (8)
- Larnaka - Harbor (7)
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- Aradippou - Agios Fanourios (5)
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- Drosia (4)
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- Aradippou - Vlachos (3)
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