Greek kokoni puppies

Puppies will be ready for their forever families on1st of February
with health certificate, first vaccine
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Dog of small size; the body length is greater than its height at the withers. The coat is short at the head and on the front side of the limbs, moderately longer around the neck and the body and even longer on the buttock and the tail (feathered). The head is triangular with drooping ears. The tail is curved, forming a semicircle and moves fast and lively.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the body is greater than the height at the withers . The length of the muzzle is shorter than the length of the skull and the width of the skull is slightly smaller than its length.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: Lively, cheerful, smart, loyal.
HEAD: In proportion to the body.
Skull: Moderately domed when seen either from the front or from above; its width is always smaller than its length; the sides (temporal bones) are moderately developed and level; the occipital bone (protuberance) is slightly visible; the superciliary arches are slightly pronounced.
Stop: Slightly pronounced, shallow.
Nose: Medium sized, flat, black, with open nostrils.
Muzzle: The length of muzzle is shorter than the skull, wedge-shaped, tapering gradually from its base to the tip of the nose.
Lips: Moderately thin , tight, black coloured.
Jaws/Teeth: Well-developed jaws with normal dentition; scissor bite.
Eyes: Medium sized and almond-shaped; tight eyelids; the colour of the eyes is dark brown.
Ears: Triangular, medium-sized, dropped, mobile. set relatively high, above the level of the eyes and are covered by short coat. Some specimens have longer coat on the outer side of the ear, from its base to the middle of the leather.
NECK: of medium length, slightly arched, with firm skin, covered by longer coat, especially in males.
General appearance: robust, well built, balanced, with the length of the body longer than the height at withers.
Topline: Level, strong.
Withers: Slightly pronounced.
Back: Level, firm; in movement is kept steady.
Loin: Of medium length, strong and firm.
Croup: Strong, broad, slightly sloping.
Chest: Deep, broad, well-spread; the forechest is pronounced.
Underline and Belly: The underline is relatively straight; moderately tucked up belly.
The tail is carried high forming a semicircle while its tip touches the back; it’s covered by abundant, bushy hair; in repose or when standing still, it can be carried low, without it being a mistake.
FOREQUARTERS: Straight, parallel, the forefeet may be turned slightly outwards.
Shoulder: Long and well-sloping; moderately muscled, firmly joined to the thorax.
Upper arm: Good-sized, sloping, the humerous is slightly shorter than the shoulder blade.
Elbow: Situated near the body and well joined with it, it turns neither inwards nor outwards.
Forearms: Straight, of moderate length, the back of the arm is covered by longer coat.
Metacarpus (Pastern): flexible, short, strong, slightly sloping to the front when seen from the side.
Forefeet: small, roundish, slightly arched with strong nails. They may be turned slightly outwards in some specimens.
HINDEQUARTERS: Strong, muscular, the hind legs are straight and parallel.
Upper thigh: Strong, of good length, broad .
Stifle: Strong with moderate angulation.
Lower thigh: Strong, of good length and moderately broad.
Hock joint: Well let down.
Metatarsal: Straight and vertical.
Hindfeet: Same as the forefeet; slightly shorter and more arched.
GAIT / MOVEMENT: Free, fast, soft, with strong drive of the hindquarters.
SKIN: Elastic and firm all over the body; never loose.
COAT: Double coat.
Hair: Outer coat is long, thin straight or slightly wavy; the undercoat is short and thick; the head, part of the leathers or the whole ear and the frontal side of the limbs are covered by short and flat coat of 1 cm; on the neck and on the body the coat is longer and relatively flat of about 4-8 cm; the tail and the rear side of the buttocks is covered by coat of 8 – 14 cm.
Colours: All colours and their combinations are acceptable.
Height: males 24- 28 cm
females 23- 27 cm
Weight 4 – 8 kilogramms
A tolerance of +/- 1 cm is allowed to the aforementioned limits.
Short coat in other places than the ones mentioned in the standard; harsh coat; lack of undercoat; flat skull; very pronounced stop; arched muzzle; round and big eyes; light- coloured eyes; loose back (topline); exceeding the height limit more than 3 cm; unpigmented mucous; cow hocks; cropped tail.
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